Meet Dr. Tepper

Welcome to my practice. Let me introduce myself and my practice philosophy. I am a board-certified OB/GYN in practice for over 20 years and have been a solo practitioner on the Upper East Side of Manhattan since 2000. All deliveries are performed at The Mount Sinai Medical Center where I went to medical school.

The beauty of being a solo practitioner is that it allows me to know all of my patients and recognize their unique needs. Every patient is special, and I am grateful for their loyalty. I am available to my patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week. I take three weeks’ vacation per year, and the prestigious Carnegie Hill Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists cover my practice during those three weeks.

I am the only physician in my new office. Appointments are spaced in such a manner so that the waiting room is never overcrowded and the waiting time should never be more than 15 minutes.

I was raised in a bilingual home, lived in South America as a child, and enjoy addressing the needs of the South American community. Nuestra oficina es bilingue y difrutamos trabajando con la comunidad Latina.

I have also been featured on several TLC shows including “sMothered”, “Little People, Big World”, and “A Baby Story”.

If you want access to the latest medical technology, and a physician that practices personalized medical care then my practice could be a perfect fit for you.

I look forward to seeing and helping you.


Alex Stewart Tepper MD

“I highly recommend Dr. Tepper!He is highly professional, experienced, and calming. My pregnancy and birth were such a positive experience thanks to him and his lovely staff at the clinic.”


Me crié en una familia bilingue. Mis padres son una maestra y un médico argentinos que imigraron a E.E.U.U. Cursé mis estudios secundarios en Baltimore. Me gradué en la Universidad de Brandeis y mis estudios médicos fueron cursados en el Mount Sinai School of Medicine. Mi residencia en obstetricia y ginecologia tuvo lugar en la Universidad de Maryland. Soy diplomado en la especialidad por el American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Mi nuevo consultorio está ubicado en el Upper East Side de Manhattan. A poca distancia del Mount Sinai Hospital a donde llevo mis pacientes para dar a luz. Como es de esperar este hospital cuenta con los últimos adelantos técnicos y científicos que aseguran la mejor atención médica para la madre y su bebé.

Como soy el único médico en mi consultorio, la atención a mis pacientes es personal y exclusiva. Desde el comienzo hasta el final del embarazo la paciente es vista por un solo profesional. De esta manera todos los problemas y necesidades individuales pueden ser atendidas en forma apropiada.

Salvo por tres semanas al año, cuando me tomo mis vacaciones, yo estoy de guardia 24 horas al día, siete dias por semana . Durante mi ausencia la atención de mis pacientes está a cargo de los médicos del prestigiose Carnegie Hill Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialists.

Estoy muy agradecido por la lealtad que me brindan mis pacientes tanto de la colectividad hispana como americana y espero por muchos años poder prestarles mis servicios.

Alex S. Tepper, M.D.

Dr. Tepper and his staff work closely with The Mount Sinai Medical Center, Lenox Hill Hospital, and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Associates of New York to provide personalized, attentive care to his patients.


Whether you are a new or returning patient, Dr. Tepper can assess your concerns and discuss your options to find the most comfortable and convenient care for you. To get started, call our office to set up an appointment.


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